Back to the Future?

Leuven, Belgium   |   20-21 June 2024


What lies ahead for the Media & Learning community: a return to traditional campus-based learning services, prioritizing quality and embracing gradual innovation? Or will institutions take a leap forward, embracing hybrid and hyflex arrangements that cater to students’ needs through a blend of in-person and online components, eventually transitioning into a fully online service landscape, while harnessing the transformative potential of AI and Immersive Learning technologies?

This is the conundrum facing many centres for teaching and learning, AV support services and anyone who works to bridge the gap in higher education institutions between teaching and learning and media based technologies. This is why the organisers of this year’s conference have chosen the conference is organised under the tagline Back to the Future? as we believe it encapsulates this challenge and helps us to shape an agenda providing plenty of opportunities to discuss the options.

The Media & Learning 2024: Back to the Future? conference endorsed by KU Leuven Learning Lab will take place from 20 – 21 June 2024 at the Provinciehuis in Leuven. The conference will bring together a vibrant community of educators, researchers, and innovators passionate about leveraging media for enhanced learning experiences. Be prepared for thought-provoking keynotes, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions as we delve into the 14 themes.

*Due to space limitations, registration will be necessary to attend some sessions taking place in smaller rooms at the upcoming conference. We'll share the registration link one week before the event, on June 13th at 12:00 PM CEST, ensuring equal opportunity for all interested participants. Please note that there won't be waiting lists, but in the event of no-shows on-site, available seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope that this approach will help us manage attendance efficiently and guarantee a comfortable experience for all attendees. Keep an eye out for the registration link, which will be shared via email, to secure your spot !

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Keynote speakers @ Media & Learning 24

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Piet Desmet,

KU Leuven, Belgium

Going digital. Staying human. Artificial intelligence and other Edtech challenges@KU Leuven

The responsible use of multimedia and educational technology stands as a pivotal strategic imperative within the policy framework of KU Leuven. Under the banner of Going Digital, Staying Human, our institution is steadfastly committed to the seamless integration of technology in learning and assessment, alongside the digital transformation of our educational approach. Within this context, the integration of VR/AR/XR technology into simulation-based education emerges as a prominent focal point of our agenda.

It goes without saying that artificial intelligence represents the technological frontier that currently commands our foremost attention at KU Leuven, particularly in terms of its impact on our educational concept. From a realistic perspective, we explain why AI is crucial in empowering both the learner, the teacher, and the institution. We focus primarily on what AI specifically means for these three key actors in formal education. For the learner, this includes adaptive learning apps, open-ended tasks, and advanced forms of learner support. For the teacher, we address content creation, content recommendation, and classroom monitoring. Regarding the institution, we consider the monitoring of students at risk, student coaching, and the impact on administrative processes. We conclude with some reflections on what's next, in which we pay attention not only to further application possibilities, but also to the valid concerns associated with AI in education (AIED).


Amanda Murphy, 

Royal Holloway University of London & Storyfutures, UK

Sensation, hype cycles and the struggle of HE to keep up with innovation technologies

This presentation discusses the benefits and challenges of XR in education at a time when AI has gripped the world and access to XR through increasingly democratised tools is radically changing how we interact with the real world. What does this mean for future generations and for universities seeking to integrate XR into the curriculum? How to disrupt old ways of teaching in order to seize the opportunities this transformational technology presents? It draws on the work of StoryFutures at Royal Holloway University of London where we developed cutting edge research & development programmes working with world leading industry partners to forge new models of industry facing challenge led research, and teaching programmes using a human-centred approach to inform best practice in inclusive innovation; and an interdisciplinary UK wide Train the Trainer initiative sought to build skills capacity in collaboration and partnerships with other HE institutes. It refers to a case study of StoryTrails developed an innovative participatory storytelling model using democratised tools, bringing industry and community partners together to address the digital public realm. While there is huge appetite for XR in teaching, there is much work to be done if we are to developing best practice guidelines, open source educational resources, standardised cost-effective tools and platforms for example. Research, collaboration, partnerships and inclusion sit at the heart of it.

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Maarten Lamers,

Leiden University, The Netherlands

When Machines Learn Too... A How and Why of AI

Learning unlocks intelligence. And for as long as we can oversee, learning was something uniquely human, or animal, just as creativity. But machine learning artificial intelligence enables machines to create pictures more realistically than we can, to compose songs in mere seconds, and to write texts about any topic imaginable. So, what is AI really, and broadly, how does it work? What role does machine learning play and are there limitations to its capabilities? In fact, why do we even have AI? Without going into technical depths, Maarten discusses the why and how of machine learning AI, and what it generally can and cannot do.

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Lizzy Bleumers,  

Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Belgium

Education (Em)powered by Generative AI

The ongoing advancements in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) simultaneously evoke excitement, bewilderment and apprehension. And this is no different in the field of education. Much of the delight stems from GenAI-driven tools promising to save us time when creating educational resources. And while these certainly address a critical need, it is essential that we also consider how generative AI can uniquely promote the quality of learning, and what is needed to tap into this potential effectively and responsibly. In my presentation, I will share concrete examples of how GenAI is applied to optimize and transform educational media production and teaching practice, discuss the potential pitfalls we need to navigate, and reflect on how we can support competent GenAI use in education. These insights draw from the research in the (Em)powered by AI project, my colleagues and I are conducting at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences within the Sustainable Business and Digital Innovation Centre of Expertise.

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Gary Burnett,

Loughborough University, UK

Understanding the power of immersive technologies for enhanced student engagement and learning

Immersive technologies (such as virtual and augmented reality, mixed reality, hologram displays, etc.) have the potential to significantly enhance the engagement and learning of students – providing magical, gamified and memorable experiences that would otherwise be unsafe, impossible or expensive in real-world settings. Nevertheless, there are considerable challenges to maximise the benefits whilst minimising potential drawbacks in educational contexts. Professor Burnett has taught hundreds of students about immersive technology as avatars within fantastical virtual worlds and is also now exploring the use of advanced hologram technology in university environments. In this talk, he will outline the fundamental arguments for immersive technology and describe the research he has conducted in partnership with his students to understand how best to utilise immersion for enhancing and extending learning outcomes.


Maya Georgieva,

Innovation Center, XR, HCI, AI & Quantum Labs, USA

New Frontiers: The Convergence of Creativity, Technology, and Ethics in Learning

This keynote will explore the future of learning at the dynamic intersection of creativity, technology, and ethics. As we stand on the cusp of a creative renaissance, we will dive into the profound impacts and opportunities presented by new media and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Extended Reality (XR), and Quantum Computing.

These technologies are not merely tools; they are catalysts for innovation, pushing the boundaries of what it means to learn and create. We will showcase pioneering examples where technology amplifies creativity, fostering a culture of innovation that inspires new models of learning, student engagement, and resilience.

The talk will critically examine the ethical dimensions of integrating these frontier technologies into learning environments. We will discuss the imperative of maintaining privacy, ensuring equitable access, and fostering an inclusive learning atmosphere amidst these technological advances.

Speakers and moderators


Anne-Astrid Agten

KU Leuven, Belgium

Nathan Arrowsmith

Nathan Arrowsmith

Nathan Arrowsmith, The Netherlands


Isabel Bekman

Hogeschool Windesheim, The Netherlands


Sue Bickerdike

University of Leeds, UK

Klara_Bilic Mestric (1)

Klara Bilić Meštrić

Croatian Academic & Research Network, Croatia


Jan Alexander Bolding

Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Kiara_UCLL (1)

Kiara Billiau

The Open University, The Netherlands

Jan Petrus_Bosman (1)

Jan Petrus Bosman

Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Evert Binnard

KU Leuven, Belgium


Jeroen Bottema

Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Audun 630px bredde

Audun Bjerknes

University of Oslo, Norway


Nevil Bounds



Mélanie Chamel

University of Strasbourg, France


Anneleen Cosemans

KU Leuven, Belgium

Yentl_Croese (1)

Yentl Croese

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Serge_de Beer

Serge de Beer

Learning Tour, The Netherlands


Peter De Wilde

Dialog, Belgium

Gregory_Fantham (1)

Gregory Fantham

Heriot-Watt University, UK

Johanna_Fenton (1)

Johanna Fenton

University of Leeds, UK


Sebastian Freisleder

FWU Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Germany

Yiannis_Georgiou (1)

Yiannis Georgiou

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus


Matthew Gilooly

University of Derby, UK

Mary_Godfrey (1)

Mary Godfrey

Harvard University, USA


Sonia Hetzner

FAU, Germany


Martijn Janssen

AudioXL, The Netherlands


Andrea Camero Jareño

IE University, Spain


Gabriel Jones

University of Leeds, UK

Carolien_Kamphuis (1)

Carolien Kamphuis

Npuls Program, Surf, The Netherlands


Lucy Kendra

Heriot-Watt Online, UK

Tatsi, UiO picture

Tatsiana Komissarova

University of Oslo, Norway

Tim Kutter

Tim Kutter

TrackingMaster, Germany

Paul Lashmana

Paul Lashmana

KU Leuven, Belgium


Vicky Lee

ClickView, Australia


Pien Leeuwenburgh

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Raf Lehaen

Raf Lehaen

KU Leuven, Belgium

Michel_Leroy (1)

Michael Leroy

TU Dortmund, Germany


Greet Leysens

KU Leuven, Belgium

Tessa Meerkerk

Tessa Meerkerk

Enghouse Video, The Netherlands

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Jenny Méité

UbiCast, France

foto: Philip Driessen - UM SBE portrait 2023-10

Alexandra Mihai

Maastricht University, The Netherlands

john murray

John Murray

National University of Ireland Galway

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Gustavo Nogueira de Menezes

University of Jena, Temporality Lab, The Netherlands


Edward Naessens

RCSI University of Medicine, Ireland


Martin Nosek

Swansea University, UK


Chahira Nouira

University of Gőttingen, Germany

Sarah M_Oliver (1)

Sarah M Oliver

University of Michigan, USA

JoVE_Evento_0065 (2)

Alice Pistono


Camila_Monge Pizarro

Camila Monge Pizarro

Université Ouverte des Humanités, France


Anke Pesch

KU Leuven, Belgium


Christophe Renard

HELMo, Belgium


André Rosendaal

University of Groningen, The Netherlands

HilmarSalac 2022

Hilmar Salac

Panasonic Connect Europe, Germany

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Alfredo Salomão Filho

FAU, Germany


Nathan Saucier

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Jake picture

Jake Sawbridge



Sebastien Schmitz

IHECS, Belgium


Lana Scott


Dini_Sianturi (1)

Dini Sianturi

Université de Strasbourg, France

Jason Shave circle

Jason Shave

X2O Media, Benelux


Kaat Somers

University Centre Sint-Ignatius Antwerp, Belgium

Stef Stes

Stef Stes

KU Leuven, Belgium


Andy Thys

KU Leuven, Belgium

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Tanja Tillmanns

FAU, Germany

Hans Timmermans

Hans Timmermans



Markus Tischner

FAU, Germnay

Elke Van Ael

Elke Van Ael

KU Leuven, Belgium

Elke_Van_der_Stappen 200

Elke Van der Stappen

KU Leuven, Belgium

Tine_van_Lommel (1)

Tine Van Lommel

KU Leuven, Belgium

Michiel_van Oosterzee (1)

Michiel van Oosterzee

The Open University, The Netherlands

Robbe_Vanden Brande (1)

Robbe vanden Brande

KU Leuven, Belgium


Stéphanie Vanneste

Vives, Belgium


An Verburgh

 UCLL, Belgium

Tula 4aa

Tula Verhalle

KU Leuven, Belgium

Linde Voorend

Linde Voorend

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

John_Walker (1)

John Walker

Surf, The Netherlands


Thomas Waterzooi

Studio Waterzooi, Belgium


Ahmed Yousof

East Stroudsburg University, USA


This year’s Media & Learning Conference is being held in the splendid Provincie Vlaams-Brabant - Provinciehuis.

Provincie Vlaams-Brabant - Provinciehuis is about a 10 minute walk from the train station and an 20 minute walk from the city centre.

Take a look at our suggested accommodations and travel advice. Please note that we have no affiliation with any travel agency should you be contacted to arrange your stay.

Provincie Vlaams-Brabant - Provinciehuis

Provincieplein 1

3010 Leuven



Thanks to our exhibitors and sponsoring members for their continued support.