Main topics during the conference days

This theme explores the strategic and practical selection of media formats to optimise learning outcomes in educational settings based on research and evidence. Formats under consideration include podcasts, virtual tours, linear video, screencasts, and interactive content.
Exploring how learning design can use storytelling and draw from the engagement strategies of sectors like gaming, advertising, and entertainment to create compelling media experiences in education.
Investigating the use of multimedia tools in assessment strategies, including ePortfolios, and the impact of media-based assignments.
This theme explores the potential of media, including video, interactive content, and digital storytelling, as alternatives to traditional written theses. It also examines how these media forms can enhance the communication and dissemination of scientific research, making complex findings more accessible and engaging for diverse audiences.
Addressing diversity, equity, inclusion and wellbeing in media based learning, including the value of AI based solutions like automated captioning, text-to-speech, and adaptive learning platforms. This theme includes formats and approaches to combat digital fatigue.
This theme is focused on sharing best practices and experience on empowering academics to create impactful high-quality educational content and integrate media into their teaching practices.
Investigating how digital archives and storage facilities handle and preserve educational audio-visual content as well as exploring the challenges in creating, managing, and storing media assets, such as 3D assets for XR environments. How do intellectual property and ownership issues affect these processes? What is the role of open educational media resources (OEMR)?
Analysing how student co-production, co-creation, and active engagement can be integrated into media-based learning experiences and production processes.
Considering the challenges and benefits of using AI in educational media, such as in creating and powering virtual instructors and avatars. How can AI enhance the quality and cost-effectiveness of media production? What impact does AI have on traditional teaching roles, and how can human creativity be balanced with AI capabilities?
Examining how extended reality (VR, AR, and MR) can create immersive learning environments that deepen student engagement, interaction, and/or practical skill development.
This theme explores how hybrid classrooms can best blend in-person and online learning effectively. It will also explore the role of advanced lecture capture technologies in boosting engagement and accessibility for all students. How can we address the opt-in/opt-out debate and ensure a dynamic, inclusive learning environment?
Focusing on how to make audio-visual technologies more eco-friendly and sustainable, reducing their environmental impact while maintaining educational quality.
This theme explores what organisational practices work best to support the sustainable educational media production needs of the institution in meeting its goals. It includes how best to set up and manage media production facilities and support learning spaces.
Investigating opportunities for co-production of open educational media resources (OEMR) amongst institutions. Is it possible to localise and reuse productions created outside of your institution?